Interfacing with a mail client on Windows

By default. MoneyWorks uses SimpleMAPI to create a new email message in the system mail client (assuming the default system mail client supports SimpleMAPI). The drawback with SimpleMAPI is that it is modal (you must send or discard each message … Continue reading

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Optimising a report

Some time ago I had the need to find a pair of transactions that added or subtracted to a particular number. In fact when you are chasing down a problem in a set of accounts this is not an uncommon … Continue reading

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GetLastErrorMessage() Retrieves the last logged error message. When a script gets an error from the Import() function, you can use GetLastErrorMessage() to get more information about the last error that occurred. Important: The last error message will only be updated … Continue reading

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Importing over high latency network

Ideally, importing to a cloud server would always be done via cloud APIs (i.e. the REST API provided by MoneyWorks Datacentre). However, one of the advantages of MoneyWorks over browser-based cloud solutions is that you can integrate seamlessly with other … Continue reading

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Interfacing with a mail client on Mac

Deprecated on Catalina and later — recent macOS versions have made scripting Mail (and Applescript generally) extremely unreliable, so MoneyWorks has transitioned to using the macOS Sharing APIs. This information may still apply if you are using other scriptable mail … Continue reading

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Statement Optimisation

Name.DBalance Generating statements involves quite a lot of database requests per statement. Statement (and invoice) forms are generated on the client, so it pays to try to eliminate unnecessary processing when statements will be generated for data that is hosted … Continue reading

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Sending SMTP email with TLS on Windows

this post is obsolete see: Using Gmail SMTP Using Office365 SMTP Using SendSMTPMail The standard MoneyWorks install on Windows includes a tool called blat ( for sending emails via an SMTP server. This is used when you select and configure … Continue reading

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Sorting Filters

In MoneyWorks Gold 7.1.4, it is now possible to use CreateSelection() with the "*Found" and "*Highlight" metasearches to access more tables and list windows than were previously possible (e.g. department, offledger, filter). Access to the transaction selection in the Creditor … Continue reading

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Make the Bank Transfer dialog remember the From and To accounts

If you are doing a lot of bank transfers, you might want to have one or both of the bank account popups remember their settings, at least for the session. Here's a script that does that. constant meta = "Cognito … Continue reading

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Script Editor automatic backups

When you activate a script in the script editor (which compiles and loads the script), the script editor first saves a backup of the script's text into the standard plugins† Scripts folder. In the event that your script goes into … Continue reading

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