MoneyWorks support
Make the Bank Transfer dialog remember the From and To accounts
If you are doing a lot of bank transfers, you might want to have one or both of the bank account popups remember their settings, at least for the session. Here's a script that does that. constant meta = "Cognito … Continue reading
Script Editor automatic backups
When you activate a script in the script editor (which compiles and loads the script), the script editor first saves a backup of the script's text into the standard plugins†Scripts folder. In the event that your script goes into … Continue reading
Base64 encoding
Connecting to the REST service on a Datacentre requires Authorization headers that need to be base64 encoded. As of v7.1.3 there is no built-in intrinsic function to do base64 encoding, so here's a utility routine to do it in MWScript … Continue reading
Datacentre SSL
The Datacentre REST service has had SSL (https) support since version 6.1. This is enabled in the DC Console by adding a certificate/key pem block for the REST service. In Datacentre 7.1, the MoneyWorks native networking protocol gains SSL support. … Continue reading
MoneyWorks native scripting language Rationale Since v4.1, MoneyWorks has supported customisation via platform-specific attached helper scripts. On Mac, this was via a Helper.scpt Applescript in the Scripts folder, and on Windows via a slightly more convoluted mechanism to invoke a … Continue reading
Command line curl REST authentication
Sometimes you want to test out REST calls from the command line. How to handle the dual realm Authorization headers that Datacentre requires? --user will not work because curl will only accept one such parameter, so you need to specify … Continue reading
Managing Custom Plugins with Datacentre
As of v7, using Upload All to upload plugins to the server will replace the plugins folder on the server rather than merging with what is there. When the custom plugins are downloaded by clients (when they log in), the … Continue reading
Suppressing Standard Plugins
Sometimes you don't want particular clients to see any standard reports (or maybe forms), but if you delete the standard plugins folder, MoneyWorks will recreate it on next launch. You can delete the subfolders and leave the Standard Plugins Checksum … Continue reading
You can obtain the full MoneyWorks database schema by exporting "xmlschema" to a file. E.g. tell application "MoneyWorks Gold" to export "xmlschema" into POSIX file "/schema.xml" Note that text field usable sizes are general one byte less than the size … Continue reading
Columnar reports
The MoneyWorks report writer makes it easy to make reports where the columns contain time-based values (such as actual year-to-date, or annual budget). But what about where you want something else, such as departments, classifications or different types of general … Continue reading