Using sftp or scp from MoneyWorks to transfer files to/from a remote server

SFTP is a nice and easy protocol for secure transfer of files to/from other servers. It's much easier and more secure than FTP. However, the Curl library in MoneyWorks does not include SFTP (which requires the entire OpenSSH library). However, … Continue reading

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PreviewXMLtoPDF and merging output documents

MoneyWorks Gold 9.1.7 has a new function for converting the "xml" output format (from DoReport and DoForm) to PDF. On its own, this isn't especially useful, since you can just output to PDF in the first place. However, it is … Continue reading

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Web views in the MoneyWorks Navigator

You have long been able to add your own panels to the MoneyWorks Navigator. Custom Navigator panels can be implemented using custom invoice forms or custom reports and are loaded from a folder named Navigator Extras in your custom plugins … Continue reading

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New web views in MoneyWorks 9.1 and later

WKWebKit on Mac MoneyWorks 9.1 and later on Mac uses WKWebView instead Webview for embedded web controls. This change should be entirely transparent to existing scripts that use webviews. You get the newer out-of-process javascript engine. WebView2 on Windows MoneyWorks … Continue reading

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Communicating with Javascript in a Web View

MoneyWorks 9.1 provides modernised web views on Mac and Windows (see New Web Views in MoneyWorks 9.1). MoneyWorks 9.1 and later also provides new functionality for communicating with the content of web views (requires WebView2 Runtime on Windows). Calling out … Continue reading

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Server change notifications

External system notification has been implemented in MoneyWorks Datacentre 9.0.2. This allows another server to be notified whenever a change is made in a MoneyWorks database. This will remove the need for external systems to poll for changes (a practice … Continue reading

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XOR handler

MWScript doesn't have a bitwise XOR function, but it does have an AND with ones-complement function in ClearFlag, which provides a bitwise NOT, which can be used with TestFlags (which is bitwise AND) to do a NAND. Thus you can … Continue reading

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SendSMTPMail is a script handler you can implement that takes over the job of sending SMTP mail. The handler signature is: SendSMTPMail(recipients, attachmentPath, subject, message, attachmentFileName) When MoneyWorks 9 has an email + attachment to send and the preferences are … Continue reading

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MoneyWorks Now login gateway API

If you are implementing a service that will access a MoneyWorks database via its REST interface hosted on a MoneyWorks Now server, you can retrieve the necessary login credentials by querying the MoneyWorks Now login gateway. A MoneyWorks Datacentre REST … Continue reading

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Custom edit field special properties

MoneyWorks Gold 8 allows you to create new windows that can be used with scripts. The UI form editor allows you to set the type (text/number/date) and numeric format of an edit field, but there are some other useful modes … Continue reading

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