
Head Office Billing

You can set up your debtors so that invoices and/or packing slips can be sent to a particular branch, but the payment can be made by a head office. Similarly for Creditors, you can purchase from individual branches and make payment to the head office. This is not available in MoneyWorks Cashbook.

Head office billing is implemented by means of a coding convention for the names involved. The rules are as follows:

The code for a Head Office must end in a period.

E.g. MITRE10. (Note the dot)

Branch codes consist of the head office code and an appropriate suffix.


You can change the codes at any time (which means you can easily assemble existing names into branches and head offices).

Invoicing: Invoices are made out to each branch (e.g. MITRE10.AKL). When printed, the invoice will have the head office address, and the delivery address of the branch1. The head office can itself be treated as a normal debtor for invoicing purposes if required.

Statements: Statements can be printed for either the head office or an individual branch. If a head office is selected, all relevant transactions for its branches (and any for the head office) will be included in the statement.

Receipts: When a head office code is typed into the code field in the Batch Debtor Receipts or a cash receipt, all outstanding invoices for it and any branches will be displayed and can be marked off.

Creditor Invoices: Creditor invoices can be put to a branch, and payment made either to the branch or to the head office through the Batch Creditor Payments command or the cash payment entry screen.

If you pay invoices to several branches of the creditor using the Batch Creditor Payments command, only one cheque will be raised. If you need to pay just one branch creditor, use a Payment and enter the full branch code into the Supplier field.

1  Invoice and statement forms should use the Transaction.MailingAddress and Transaction.DeliveryAddress magic fields to take advantage of head office billing.