MoneyWorks Manual
In the course of operating your business, you will be in contact with other people and organisations. MoneyWorks stores the details of these contacts in the Names file, which is a list of organisations and contacts, with a set of tabs to organise it into type—customer, supplier, creditor etc. To view the Names list:
- Choose Show>Names or press Ctrl-2/⌘-2

What’s in a Name?
A name record stores contact and address information about customers, suppliers and other people or organisations that you might contact from time to time. In MoneyWorks we refer to these as Names. Each Name is referenced by a unique code, and the record is referred to for details whenever you make a transaction involving that person or organisation.
Each Name can have multiple contacts (i.e. individuals in the organisation), and you can store contact details, such as phone and email addresses, against these. The number of contacts per Name is effectively unlimited. Additionally contacts can be assigned a role, such as "Purchasing" or "Accounts".
As well as address information, the Name also stores aged balances for debtors, and the current owing for creditors. If you store bank account details, you can print out bank deposit slips for money received, or for creditors, create direct payment files for submitting to your bank’s on-line payment system1.
Using Name records can also speed up data entry. Not only can the customer or supplier name and address be automatically looked up, but a default general ledger allocation can be entered for you.
You can also keep a record of phone calls, meetings etc. that you have made with the Name, and have MoneyWorks remind you when follow-up action is required. This forms a simple CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system.
Note: If you are transferring information from another accounting or database system, you can probably import the information —see Exporting and Importing.
1 For supported banks only. ↩