
Entering Detail Lines by Item

Using the By Item method of detail line entry allows you to specify an item code and a quantity. Behind the scenes, MoneyWorks will insert the appropriate accounts as specified in the Control Accounts section of the Item record. See Items, Products and Inventory

Note: If you have serial/batch and/or location tracking turned on there will be additional columns in the product entry screen to allow for the entry of serial/batch numbers and/or location.

  1. Enter the Code or Barcode of the item in the Item column, and press tab1

The item description, unit price, units, standard discount and extended price (i.e. quantity multiplied by unit price less discount) will be automatically entered for you into the appropriate columns.

If you do not need to alter the quantity or other line details, you can press ↩/return instead of tab to have the next detail line automatically created.

If you type in an incorrect item code, or leave it blank, the Item choices list will be displayed. Select the item you require by double-clicking on it, or, if it is a new item, click the New button to record the item details.

If you have entered a barcode that is not unique, the item choices window will be displayed listing all items with that barcode.

If the item has a Sticky Note associated with it that is applicable to this type of transaction, the note will be displayed when you exit the field.

If you are entering a payment or a creditors invoice for the item, and you have not set the We Buy This check box, a message will be displayed saying “You do not buy this product”. If you want to buy the item, you will need to modify its details in the item file -see Creating a New Item.

If you are entering a receipt or a debtors invoice for the item, and you have not set the We Sell It check box, a similar alert box with the message “You do not sell this product” will be displayed. If you want to sell the item, you will need to modify its details in the item file.

  1. In the Qty column, type in the quantity of the item that you are purchasing or supplying, and then press Tab

The quantity can be a fractional value with up to 4 decimal places.

  1. If you wish to change the description, unit price, discount, extension or tax code, tab into that field and overtype the contents

Although MoneyWorks has entered the item description, unit price (based on the customer’s price code) and discount and calculated the extension, you can change any of these values. Note that the prices are assumed to be in the currency of the customer/supplier or bank account.

If you change the unit price, the extension will be recalculated using the new price and the quantity and discount already entered.

If you change the discount, the extension will be recalculated using the new discount and the existing quantity and unit price.

If you change the extension, MoneyWorks will calculate a new discount rate so that the formula: Extension = Qty * Unit Price * Discount% still holds. Sometimes you will see a very small (say 0.0012%) discount showing in the discount column. This occurs for fractional quantities or prices when the extension is rounded to the nearest cent.

In the case of the description, you may want to click at a point in the text and simply add or remove some text.

If the Show Tax Column option is set in the Transaction Entry preferences, an extra column will be displayed showing (and allowing you to modify) the amount of GST/VAT/Sales Tax associated with the detail line.

If the Show Job Column option is set in the Transaction Entry preferences, you can also specify the job (if any) for which the item is to be used.

  1. If you need to allocate the remaining amount of the transaction to further accounts, make a new detail line by:

pressing ↩/Return or;

pressing Ctrl-N/⌘-N or;

clicking the New Detail line icon or;

tabbing through the remaining fields on the current line2

Pressing ↩/Return when you are on the last detail line will cause a new detail line to be added. If the insertion point is not on the last detail line when you press ↩/Return, a new detail line is not created—the insertion point merely moves to the Qty field on the detail line below.

  1. If you need to enter further items, make a new detail line by:

pressing ↩/Return or

by pressing Ctrl-N/⌘-N or

by tabbing through the remaining fields on the current line

1  Prior to MoneyWorks 6, the Qty and Item (then called Product) fields were the other way.

2  This will not work if the Always Wrap option is on.