MoneyWorks Manual
Entering Detail Lines
The total amount of the transaction needs to be allocated to one or more accounts. This allocation is done in the detail lines of the window. Although entering into detail lines is the same for cash and invoice transactions (see below), each transaction type has a slightly different set of fields to be filled in at the top of the transaction entry window.
For Payments see Entering Payments.
For Receipts see Entering Receipts.
For Debtor Invoices see Entering Sales Invoices.
For Creditor Invoices see Entering a Purchase Invoice.
For Purchase Orders see Entering a Purchase Order.
For Quotes and Sales Orders see Entering a Sales Order.
For Stock Journals see Entering a Stock Journal.
For General Journals see General Ledger Journals.
In general there are two sorts of detail lines, which can be entered:
- By entering account codes directly; or
- By using item codes together with a quantity (and optional discount). The account codes used in this case are the control accounts specified for each item.
MoneyWorks uses the terms By Account and By Item for these two methods of detail line entry. You choose which method of entry you wish to use by choosing the appropriate tab in the transaction entry screen.
- If the desired transaction entry method is not already selected, select it by clicking the tab for that method
The detail line section of the transaction entry window will change to reflect the method you have chosen.
MoneyWorks will remember the selected entry method for each transaction type. If you always use the By Item entry method for your invoices and By Account method for everything else, you will only need to select the method once for each transaction type.

Tip: You can resize the columns in a transaction by positioning the cursor between the columns in the column headings (the cursor will change shape), and dragging.

By Account detail line entry

By Item detail line entry
These are the two detail line formats for item entry and account entry. The Item entry method has fields for Item Code, Quantity, Description, Unit Price, Units, Discount, Extension and Tax Code (and, optionally, tax amount). The Subtotal, total tax and grand total are shown below. The Account entry method has fields for Account Code, Account Name (display only), Description, Net Amount, Tax Code, tax and Gross (tax inclusive) Amount. If the Show Job Column preference option is set, both entry methods include a Job Code field.
- Click in the first column of the detail line, or press Ctrl-Tab (Mac) or Ctrl-` (Win1) or just tab through all the header fields
MoneyWorks automatically creates one detail line whenever a transaction is created. You can add more if you need to.
Now follow the steps in Entering Account Detail Lines or Entering Item Detail Lines as appropriate.
If you have set up Auto-Allocation accounts, the detail lines for By Account transactions will be created for you automatically:
For Name Auto-Allocation When you start to enter a value into the transaction Amount field for a transaction against a Name with an Auto-Allocation —see Default Account;

For Manual Auto-Allocation Click the Auto-allocation icon or press Ctrl-U/⌘-U after having entered both 1) the match text into either the To or the Description fields and 2) the Amount of the transaction —see Setting up an Auto-Allocation for General Transactions.
1 In MoneyWorks 5 this was Ctrl-tab; Windows uses this to cycle through running programs. ↩