
Fields in Forms

When you print forms from MoneyWorks, you generally select the records for which the forms will be printed (these will normally be Transactions, but might be Names, Products or Jobs). As MoneyWorks prepares to print each form, any other records directly related to the record for which the form is being printed will be selected automatically.

For each form type, there will be a selection of sub-records that are made available for inclusion in list boxes on the form. The field names for these sub-records can only be used in column calculations in a list. Fields from the principal record (the one that you nominated to be printed) are available for use in any calculation in the form.

The fields of subrecords are said to be out of the scope of a calculation box. If you use an unknown or out-of-scope field name in a calculation box, you will get an “Unknown Identifier” error when you print the form.

Lists normally refer to a “natural” related file that depends on the type of form—when you use a file that is not native to the form, the appropriate fields are brought into context for the list.

You can also access fields in related files (such as products or accounts) by using the Lookup function. For more information on individual fields, see Appendix A—Field Descriptions.

Invoice/Receipts: Fields from the Transactions file, the Transactions Details file and the Names file can be used on invoice/receipt forms.

The Transaction and Name fields can be used anywhere on the form. MoneyWorks will automatically select the Customer (or Supplier) related to an invoice/receipt. If the Name field in a cash transaction has not been filled in, these fields will be empty.

The Transaction Detail fields can be used in list columns. They can also be included as part of an expression string used as a parameter to the ExpandList or ExpandDetail functions in a calculation box.

Statements: These use fields from the Names and Transactions files.

The Name fields can be used anywhere on the form. The transaction fields can be used in list columns. They can also be included as part of an expression string used as a parameter to the ExpandList or ExpandDetail functions in a calculation box.

To determine the value of a transaction on a statement you should use the special pseudo-field Transaction.AccRecMove. This returns the amount that the transaction will have affected your accounts receivable. Transactions that reduce accounts receivable (such as a cash receipt or credit note) will have negative value in this field, whereas transactions that increase (such as an invoice) will have a positive value.

When printing a statement, MoneyWorks will select all of the posted transactions related to the debtor or creditor for inclusion in lists on the form. You may use the list search expression to exclude certain transactions if you wish (normally you will exclude transactions that are not in the current aging cycle).

Cheque/Remittances: Cheque and remittance advice forms are printed using the Creditors Cheque Run command1. In these forms you can use fields from the Transactions file and the Names file. In addition, there is a special cheque pseudo-file which contains cheque specific fields.

These are outlined in the table on the right, and correspond to the fields in the payment transactions that are created on completion of creditor payment processing

MoneyWorks will automatically select all creditor invoices (and any credit notes) applicable to each cheque. MoneyWorks will also select the creditor record related to the cheque. You can use the “Cheque” and Name fields in any calculation box. The Transaction fields can only be used in list column calculations (or with the ExpandList or ExpandDetail functions in a calculation box).

Product forms: Product forms are printed using the Print Product Labels command in the Command menu—this is only visible when the Products list is top-most. The fields available are those from the Products file plus those from the related Recipe file.

Job form fields: Job forms are printed using the Print Job Forms command in the Command menu—this is only visible when the Jobs list is top-most. All the fields from the Job file are available, as are fields giving related access to the Job Sheet Items.

Context free form fields: Context free forms have access to the global variables and the functions. Unlike other forms, they are invoked by selecting them from the Reports menu (and hence should be saved in your Reports folder, not your Forms folder). They are used for creating forms such as the BAS or GST Returns.

1  Note that a Cheque/Remittance form can only be used with a Payment transaction if the form is printed from the open transaction window (i.e. one payment at a time).