
Form Environment Variables

There are several environment variables for use in forms:

MESSAGEThis is a text variable containing the text entered into the Message field in the settings dialog box displayed prior to printing invoices/receipts or statements.
PAGEThis is the current page number of a multi-page form.
AGINGCYCLEThis is an integer representing the current aging cycle of transactions. You can use this value to select transactions for inclusion in statements based on aging. Transactions entered after the last Age Debtor Balances will have an Aging value equal to the value of AGINGCYCLE. Transactions entered in the previous aging cycle will have an Aging value of (AGINGCYCLE - 1) and so on.
COPYThis is the number of the current copy being printed, where the total number of copies being printed is determined by the Copies function.
Print_Copy1 if Print "Copy" if Already Printed check box in the invoice printing dialog box is on AND the invoice has already been printed, otherwise zero.
Omit_Zero1 or 0 depending on value of Omit Zero Balances check box in the statement printing dialog box in MoneyWorks.
Omit_Credit1 or 0 depending on value of Omit Credit Balances check box in the statement printing dialog box in MoneyWorks.
Have_Logo1 or 0 depending on whether the current document has a logo pasted in the Company Details dialog Box.