
Stock Journals

A stock system is always difficult to maintain. Unexpected things can happen. For example, some stock items may decay or be destroyed, some may vanish altogether, while some may spontaneously appear (presumably due to miscounting at stocktake time). The accounting for these is done by means of stock journals, of which there are five types:

Make: This builds the quantity of the nominated product from the specified components. If you use the Build command to create a product, or if a product is Auto-Built, a Make journal is created automatically.

Break: This is the opposite of a Make journal. The product is “disassembled” into its components.

Write-Off: This is used to write off stock. The value of the listed items will be written off to the nominated general ledger account (usually an expense account). Use this when your stock reduces through means other than sales (e.g. shrinkage, obsolescence etc.). Stock requisitions made through the job sheet file will automatically create a write off journal against the item’s cost-of goods account.

Create: This is the opposite of a write-off journal. It creates the specified products and puts them into stock. The nominated general ledger account code is credited—this will normally be an income account.

Revalue: This is used when the value of a stock item changes. The new value (per unit) is specified, and the stock account is debited (or credited if the value is reduced) with the difference. The nominated general ledger account is credited (or debited) with the difference.

Transfer: This is for fixing botch-ups in the handling of serial numbers, batches and location (e.g. stock is receipted into the wrong location; the serial number on an item is wrong). For further information see Stock Tranfers.