
GotoListField (listRef, rowNum0, columnNum0OrName, [selStart], [selEnd])

Definition:  Moves the keyboard focus to the nominated cell of the list, if possible. Optionally specify a character range to select.

Example:  Checks that locations are not blank in a debtor invoice, and selects the first blank field when validating the transaction.

on Validate:F_TRANS:DI(w)
    let list = GetListHandle(w, "By Item")
    if list <> NULL
        foreach row in (0, GetListLineCount(list) - 1)
            if GetListField(list, row, "Location") = ""
                GotoListField(list, row, "Location")
                Navigator("", "Please enter a location")
                return false
    return true

Do not call it from a handler involved with the normal flow of focus, such as ExitedCell, EnterCell, ValidateCell, etc.

Availability:  available within MWScript handlers in MoneyWorks Gold 9.2 and later.