
GotoField (windowRef, fieldID, [selStart], [selEnd])

Definition:  Moves the keyboard focus to the nominated field, if possible.

The field parameter can be a string with the field's symbolic identifier, or it can be the numeric field number. Optionally specify a character range to select.

You can call this from a Before handler to set a desired initially focussed field. You might also call it from an ItemHit handler to set an appropriate field in response to a checkbox or popup menu changing.


on Before:F_TRANS:DI(w)
    GotoField(w, "E_DESC")    // always go to Description field when openeing a debtor invoice

Do not call it from a handler involved with the normal flow of focus, such as ExitedField, EnterField, ValidateField, etc.

Availability:  available within MWScript handlers.