
Offledgers and Currency

The offledger and currency information is held in this file (internal name OffLedger). Note that a different naming convention was using in MoneyWorks 6 and earlier.

KindT3Kind of record: ‘CUR' is currency, ‘USR' is user created offledger record.
NameT15The name of the currency/offledger record
DescriptionT39Description of currency/offledger record
Balance00 ... Balance90N90 periods of historic values. Balance00 is the current period, Balance01 is the previous period, and Balance90 is 90 periods ago.
Budget00 ...Budget29N30 periods of historic budgets. Budget00 is the current period, Budget01 is the previous period, etc.
BudgetNext01 ... BudgetNext18N19 periods of future budgets. BudgetNext01 is the budget for next period, BudgetNext02 for the subsequent, etc.
LinkedAccountUT13The currency unrealised gain general ledger account
LinkedAccountRT13The currency realised gain general ledger account
PreferredBankCRT7Preferred bank receipts account for currency
PreferredBankCPT7Preferred bank payments account for currency
UserNumNScriptable number
UserTextT255Scriptable text
TaggedTextT255Scriptable tag storage