
Hot Links

Reports cells can have drill-down information that allows them to be clicked in the preview to drill-down to an enquiry on the related record, a list of related records (e.g. transactions that make up a total), another report, or even a website.

Analysis Reports automatically get drill down information for every line/figure (not totals)

General Ledger reports get automatic drill-down information for account codes and descriptions, and also for ranges of accounts when using a subsummary.

In addition to the automatic drill-down information, cells can optionally supply a relational search Hot Link that will select records to drill down to when clicked in the preview.

In its simplest form, this is a Relational Search, ending in the file to link to, e.g.

    [Name] // will display all names

    [transaction] // will show all transactions in the All tab in the transaction list

    [transaction:Type = "DII"] // will limit the display to incomplete debtor invoices (receivables).

    [Transaction:SequenceNumber = 1234] // the transaction whose seq is 1234

    [Account:Type = "CA"][Details] // the detail lines that pertain to a current asset account 

    [Account:Type = "CA"][Transaction:Period > X and Period < Y][Details]

The final example displays just the details in a given period range.

Since the relational search is invoked only when the user clicks on the hot link in the Preview, you can't use report variables (like PeriodNum) directly in the search functions, but you can use them indirectly by calculating your hot link. e.g:

    ="[Account:Type = `CA`][Transaction:Period >= " + (PeriodNum
        - Mod(PeriodNum, 100)) + "][Detail:Detail.Account=`" + 
        Account.Code+ "-@`]"

This might result in a hot link such as:

    [Account:Type = `CA`][Transaction:Period >= 204][Detail:Detail.Account=`3000-@`]

which is a valid hot link specification.

Note: Hot links are evaluated only when clicked in the report preview. You must test your links before unleashing a report on an unsuspecting populace.

Where to display

The window to open when the hot link is activated is determined by the file name of the last term, as shown in the following table:

FileNameDefault Window
AccountAccount Enquiry
NameCustomer Sales Enquiry
ProductProduct Sales Enquiry
TransactionTransaction List (All tab)
DetailDetail Line List (All Lines tab)
JobJob List (All tab)
Job SheetJob Sheet List (All tab)

These defaults can be overridden by appending a special “dispatch” code, either as a prefix before the first square bracket (separated by a colon), or after the last [...] term. For example, the addition of the lidi dispatch code in the link below causes the transactions to be displayed in the debtor invoice tab of the transaction list, as opposed to the All tab (thus giving all debtor invoices that involve a fixed asset). The two examples below are equivalent:

    lidi:[Account:Type = `FA`][Transaction]
    [Account:Type = `FA`][Transaction]lidi

Linking to a specified sidebar in a list

When you want to link to a named sidebar in a list, and there is no specific dispatch code, use the prefix form and append the sidebar name. Thus the following example will display the accounts with category “COGS” in the Cost of Sales and Expenses sidebar tab of the accounts list:

    liac:[account:category=`COGS`]Cost of Sales and Expenses``

Note: When linking to a list (as opposed to any enquiry), any filter in the list will be reset.

Linking to another report

You can link to another report by using the “repo:report=” dispatch code with a null search. This is followed by the report name (in quotes) and an optional list of parameters and values. For example, the following will generate and “Drill down to” the Profit & Loss comparison report from April to June 2010.

    repo:report='Profit and Loss Comparison' from='1/4/10' to='1/6/10'

Linking to a website or other URL

You can link to a website or other form of URL from the report. This will be active in the preview window or in a saved pdf. The entire hot link must constitute a valid URL (there are no square brackets). For example the following will link to a cool website in your default browser:


The following will create an email in your email program:

mailto:info@myemail.com?subject=Response to mailout

Common Hotlink Despatch Codes

Transaction: default is All tab in list
liciCreditor Invoice
lidiDebtor Invoice
lipoPurchase Order
lisoSales Orders
Name: default is Customer Enquiry
Product: default is Product Enquiry
lifrShip Methods
Account: default is Account Enquiry
Jobs: default is All tab in list
lij5All jobs
Job Sheet: default is Pending tab in list
To link to a specific tab in an enquiry window, append "/tab name" after the Dispatch code (or just use the tab name if no Dispatch code is used). E.g. cuen:graph will display the Customer Sales Enquiry graph, and cuen:P/graph will graph supplier purchases.
cuencustomer sales
cuen:PCustomer Purchases
prenproduct sales
pren:PProduct Purchases
stenstock enquiry
histPayment history
To link to a named report. The report must be correctly named, and is generated in a new preview panel when the link is activated. An optional list of parameter names and values can follow. The parameter names must be spelt correctly (substitute an underscore for any spaces), with the values in quotes and no extra spaces, e.g. my_param="3"
repo:report="repname" param="value"