
Heading Part

A heading part will print a single line of text. This information can be text that is typed directly into the Heading edit box, or a formula which includes one or more report variables containing the information you want to print such as NAME to identify the company name. The formula can also be used to combine literal text and report variables.

Tip: In a calculated heading, use the meta-character “\t” as a tab character to align components of the heading with individual report columns, e.g.


Report Variables

The report variables describing the gestalt (i.e. the conditions under which the report is being printed) for the report are listed below (a full set of system variables in listed in the Calculations section:

Company Details:
Information from Show>Company Details
Namethe company name
Address1 ... Address4four fields each being one line of the postal address
Statethe state/province of the postal address
PostCodethe postcode for the postal address
Delivery1 ... Delivery4four fields each being one line of the delivery address
DeliveryPostcodethe postcode of the delivery address
DeliveryStatethe state/province of the delivery address
Phonethe telephone number
Mobilethe mobile phone number
Faxthe fax number
Emailthe electronic mail address
GstNumthe company's GST/VAT/ABN number
RegNumthe company's IRD/ACN/IRS number
TaxNamethe name of the local primary tax (GST, VAT, TAX)
WebURLthe URL of your website; if this is a complete URL (i.e. includes the http://) it will be hot-linked to your website in pdf reports and forms
RemittanceMessagetext to appear on invoices and statements for direct credit details
GST/VAT/Tax cycle and MoneyWorks Environment
GstCycleEndDateThe date the current GST ends on
GstCycleNumthe current GST Cycle number
GstIncomeInvoiceBasisTrue if GST reporting is set to invoice basis for income
GstExpenseInvoiceBasisTrue if GST reporting is set to invoice for expenses
VersionThe version of the MoneyWorks that is being used
LinesLeftthe approximate number of lines left on the current page. This will not be correct if cells in subsequent parts use word wrap, or if you subsequently change the running footer
Report Period:
Variables that apply to the period for which the report is being printed, as selected in the period pop-up menu when the report is run
PeriodThe name of the current period for which the report is being printed.
PerEndThe last day in the report period as text, e.g. “30 June 2007”
PerEndDateSame as PerEnd, but as a date.
PeriodNamesA comma separated list of period names
PeriodNumThe internal period number of the report1
PeriodsInYearThe number of periods in the financial year
YearEndThe date of the last day of your financial year as text. Since the last period for the financial year may not be open, MoneyWorks guesses this by looking at the end date for the last period of the previous financial year.
YearEndDateSame as YearEnd, but as a date.
Variables used to determine information for a report column. Variables referencing periods are valid only if there is a well-defined period for the column.
ColIDThe ID of the column (i.e. what you called the column in the Ident field of the column settings).
ColPerThe name of the period for which the report column is printing
ColYearthe name of the financial year for which the report column is printing
ColPerNumthe internal period number of the column
Report Settings:
Variables that are set by the user when the report is run
Omit_Zero_Balances1 if the Omit Zero Balances option is set, otherwise zero
Include_Unposted1 if the Include Unposted option is set, otherwise zero
Show_Departments1 if the Show Departments option is set, otherwise zero
Print_Movements1 if the Print Movements option is set, otherwise zero
Cash_Basis1 if the Cash Basis option is set, otherwise zero
BreakDownWhere you are printing a breakdown of accounts this field gives the type of breakdown: “Category”, “Department”, “Classification” or “Depts in Group”.
Scopethe name of the particular category, department, classification or departmental group printed in this area of the breakdown.
ScopeCodethe code of the particular category, department, classification or departmental group printed in this area of the breakdown.
Sort_ByThe setting of the Sort By menu. Account Code is 1, Accountants Code is 2 and Description is 3. All other settings are 1
Variables that reflect the SubSummary settings when the report is run
SubSummaryScopeCodecurrent breakdown code in a subsummary
SubSummaryScopeDescdescription corresponding to current breakdown code
SubSummaryHeadingLevel1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), or 0 if not emitting a subsummary heading
SubSummaryTotalLevel1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), or 0 if not emitting a subsummary total
StartupSequenceNumTransactionThe next sequence number for each of the files at the start of the session (i.e. file opened in single user mode, or client logged in). Can be used to implement session filters or reports. For example, SequenceNumber >= StartupSequenceNumTransaction would find all transactions entered since the current user logged in.

Enter the fields into the Heading part using an equals sign. For example, to include the company name you would use:


Use the plus sign to add these variables to other text—literal text should be enclosed in double quotation marks:

e.g: ="Phone" + Phone =ADDRESS1 + ", " + ADDRESS2 ="Income and Expense Report for " + PERIOD

For more information see You use calculation formulæ in many different places in MoneyWorks.

1  The PeriodNum can be viewed by pressing the Shift key while the Command>Open/Close Period in open.