MoneyWorks Manual
Cash Flow Report

This report shows you the sources and dispositions of your cash for all banks or for a nominated bank account over the specified period or date range. When you print this report, the Cash Flow Settings dialog is displayed instead of the normal Report Settings dialog. Don't confuse this report with the more formal Statement of Cash Flows report.
You nominate which (local currency) bank you want the report printed for from the Bank pop-up menu. The default is set to All Banks, which will give a consolidated cash flow report (this is over all banks, including foreign currency and unbanked accounts).
By Period: Choose the period range for the report. Unlike the period settings in other report settings dialogs, choosing more than one period for this report results in a single amalgamated report covering all periods rather than a separate report for each period.
By Date: Choose this to report on the cash flow between two given dates.
Include Unposted: Will include the effect of unposted transactions.