MoneyWorks Manual
MoneyWorks Now
MoneyWorks Now™ is MoneyWorks hosted on our cloud servers. Your MoneyWorks Now account is your single sign-on for all of your cloud-hosted MoneyWorks documents.
If you have a group of companies, you can host them all, and access them all with the same MoneyWorks Now account.
If you are an accountant, you may access many different companies' accounts hosted in MoneyWorks Now, all through your one MoneyWorks Now login.

If you're just starting out, and are setting up your company in MoneyWorks with a view to using MoneyWorks Now, you will initially set up the company accounts in a local document on your computer (see Getting Started), and then you will upload that document to MoneyWorks Now when the initial setup is complete — see Migrating a MoneyWorks Document into the MoneyWorks Now cloud