

If you need to remove the Datacentre server from a computer, this may be done from the command line.

Mac uninstallation

In Terminal.app, type (without line breaks):

sudo /Applications/MoneyWorks\ Datacentre\ Console.app/Contents/Resources/uninstall

You will be asked for the admin password. This unix shell script will stop the server and delete the following items:

- /Library/LaunchDaemons/nz.co.cognito.moneyworks.datacentre.plist

- /Applications/MoneyWorks Datacentre Console.app

Note: The /Library/MoneyWorks folder is not deleted. You may delete this manually using Admin privileges, or to delete this folder and all of its contents and remove the moneyworks_server user from the system, use:

sudo /Applications/MoneyWorks\ Datacentre\ Console.app/Contents/Resources/uninstall -k

Windows uninstallation

Use the Add/Remove programs facility