
SplitOrderLine (windowRef, lineNum, qty)

Splits the transaction detail line into two, setting the first line's stockQty to qty and the second line's stockQty to the original qty minus the specified qty.

For an order, the orderQty is similarly split (qty must be <= orderQty).

If the line has a prevShipQty, splits that so that prevShipQty <= orderQty for both lines.

You can use this to help automate the assignment of serial numbers in an order.

Availability:  available within MWScript handlers.

See Also:

AddListLine: Add a row to an editable list

DeleteListLine: Delete a row from an editable list

EnterCell: A cell in an editable list has just gained focus

ExchangeListRows: Swap rows in an editable list

ExitedCell: A cell in an editable list has just lost focus

GetActiveListColumn: Get the column number of an edit list that has keyboard focus

GetActiveListRow: Get the row number of an edit list that has keyboard focus

GetListField: Get the text of an editable list field

GetListHandle: Get list handle from window handle and list ident

GetListLineCount: Get number of rows in a list

GetListName: Selected tab name for Transaction entry details list

MergeOrderLines: Merge order lines (opposite of SplitOrderLines)

SetListField: Set the text of an editable list field

SortListByColumn: Sort an editable list by a column

ValidateCell: Control whether the content of a cell is acceptable and the cell can be exited