MoneyWorks Manual
SetExchangeRate (currency, date, period, newRate)
Definition: Sets the currency rate and creates the associated journal entry.
on GetRates let url = "" let currencyCount = 0 foreach cur in offledger CreateSelection("offledger", "kind=`CUR`") let url = url + BaseCurrency + cur.Name + "=X+" let currencyCount = currencyCount + 1 endfor if currencyCount = 0 return endif let url = url + "&f=sl1d1t1ba&e=.csv" let rates = "" foreach row in textfile url let rates = rates + Right(Left(Slice(row, 1, ","), 7), 3) + "\t" + Slice(row, 2, ",") + "\n" endfor foreach rate in text rates let cur = Slice(rate, 1, "\t") let xr = TextToNum(Slice(rate, 2, "\t")) syslog("setting " + cur + " to " + xr) SetExchangeRate(cur, Today(), CurrentPeriod(), xr) endfor end
Availability: within an MWScript handler
See Also:
CurrencyConvert: Convert amount between currencies