
CopyUserSettings (srcUserInitials, destUserInitials)

Definition:  Imposes settings from one user on another user. This will replace the destination user's custom columns, validations, selected filters etc. One or other of the parameters can be the empty string, which implies the currently logged in user. If copying settings to a user by specifying their login initials, they should not be logged in at the time (attempting to do this will have no effect, since the user's current settings will clobber the change when the log out). A user can copy settings from another user to themselves while logged in by specifying "" for the destUserInitials.


on UserLoggedIn
    // if this user has a _donor tag in login.taggedText, grab settings from that user 
    let tagged = Lookup(Initials, "Login.TaggedText")
    let settingsDonor = GetTaggedValue(tagged, "_donor")
    if settingsDonor != ""
        CopyUserSettings(settingsDonor, "")
        let tagged = SetTaggedValue(tagged, "_donor", "")
        // clear the donor tag so will not clobber again
        ReplaceField("Login.TaggedText", "Initials = `"+Initials+"`", tagged)

Availability:  available in MWScript in v9 and later when logged into a Datacentre server.