MoneyWorks Manual
Internal Name Transaction. The details (transaction lines) are held in a separate file with the internal name Detail, with Detail.ParentSeq holding the sequence number of the parent transaction.
Field | Type | Size | Notes |
Aging | N | The aging cycle for the transaction | |
AmtPaid | N | The amount of the invoice that has been paid | |
AmtWrittenOff | N | For invoices, the amount written off in a write-off | |
Analysis | T | 9 | The analysis field. |
ApprovedBy1 | T | 3 | Initials of first user to approve transaction. This field can only be set to the current user's initials (or blank) using a script. |
ApprovedBy2 | T | 3 | Initials of second user to approve transaction. This field can only be set to the current user's initials (or blank) using a script. |
BankJNSeq | N | The sequence number of the journal which banked the receipt (using the Banking command) | |
Colour | N | The colour, represented internally as a numeric index in the range 0-7 but rendered as a textual colour name | |
Contra | T | 7 | For CP and CR transactions, this contains the account code of the bank that was selected in the bank pop-up menu. For invoices this is the accounts payable/receivable control acct. |
DatePaid | D | The date the last payment for an invoice was made | |
DeliveryAddress | T | 255 | The delivery address for this transaction. Blank if default from name. |
Description | T | 1000 | The description of the transaction. |
Detail.Account | T | 14 | A text string containing the account code- (or account-department code) from the detail line |
Detail.BackorderQty | N | The amount currently on backorder for an order | |
Detail.BaseCurrencyNet | N | The amount converted to the base currency | |
Detail.CostPrice | N | This is the base currency buy-price of the product. It is represented as dollars per buying unit for a purchase or as dollars per selling unit. for a sale. For a sale, the cost price is taken from the AverageValue of the product. | |
Detail.Credit | N | The credit value of the detail line. This is the amount by which the account is credited when the transaction gets posted. It corresponds to the Net or Extension for a CP or CI. | |
Detail.Date | D | The date on the detail line (also the expiry date for time-limited batches) | |
Detail.Custom1 | T | 31 | Scriptable text |
Detail.Custom2 | T | 31 | Scriptable text |
Detail.Debit | N | The debit value of the detail line. This is the amount by which the account is debited when the transaction gets posted. It corresponds to the Net or Extension for a CR or DI. | |
Detail.Dept | T | 5 | The department code |
Detail.Description | T | 1020 | The description for the detail line. |
Detail.Discount | N | The percent discount for the line. | |
Detail.ExpensedTax | N | The amount of non-claimable sales tax on the line (only set for transactions of type CI and CP that involve sales tax). When a line is saved, the net is adjusted up by this amount and the tax down; when the transaction is viewed, the reverse happens. | |
Detail.Flags | N | See Detail Flags table below, and detail.moreFlags | |
Detail.Gross | N | The gross value of the detail line. | |
Detail.JobCode | T | 9 | This is the job code for the detail line. |
Detail.MoreFlags | N | For more flags, see flags table below | |
Detail.NonInvRcvdNotInvoicedQty | N | The quantity of non-inventoried items on an order received but not invoiced | |
Detail.OrderQty | N | The original order quantity for an order | |
Detail.OrderStatus | B | 0 if not shipped or part shipped, 1 if fully shipped | |
Detail.OriginalUnitCost | N | The unit cost of an inventoried item before the transaction was posted (available for some lines involving stock replenishment) | |
Detail.ParentSeq | N | The sequence number of the parent transaction | |
Detail.Period | N | Same as the transaction Period field | |
Detail.PostedQty | N | For stock purchase transactions, the buy quantity adjusted for the product conversion factor, gives the qty in sell units, which is the posted qty. | |
Detail.SaleUnit | A | 3 | For product transaction detail lines, this is the selling unit of measure as copied from the product record. |
Detail.SecurityLevel | N | The security level of the line (inherited from the account's security level) | |
Detail.SerialNumber | N | The items's serial/batch number | |
Detail.Statement | N | The sequence number for the reconciliation record for which this detail line was reconciled. It is normally only used for detail lines which specify a bank account. If the item is not yet reconciled it contains a 0 (or a -1 if the reconciliation has been saved but not finalised). | |
Detail.StockCode | T | 19 | The product code for the detail line. This will be blank if the transaction is a service-type transaction. |
Detail.StockLocation | T | 15 | The item's location |
Detail.StockQty | N | The quantity of the product specified by Detail.StockCode that is being purchased or sold. The units correspond to either the buyUnits for the product or the SellUnits for the product depending on whether this is a purchase (CP/CI) or a sale (CR/DI) transaction. | |
Detail.Sort | N | The order of the detail lines as displayed in a transaction. | |
Detail.TaggedText | T | 255 | Scriptable tag storage |
Detail.Tax | N | The tax (GST, VAT etc) amount of the detail line. | |
Detail.TaxCode | A | 5 | The tax code of the account. |
Detail.TransactionType | The first two characters of the transaction type (i.e. CP, CR, CI, DI, JN, PO, SO, QU) | ||
Detail.UnitPrice | N | For a purchase, this is the same as the cost price. For a sale, this is the unit selling price of the product exclusive of GST and discount. | |
Detail.UserNum | N | Scriptable number | |
Detail.UserText | T | 255 | Scriptable text |
DueDate | D | The date on which payment is due | |
Emailed | N | Non zero if transaction has been emailed | |
EnterDate | D | The date on which the transaction was entered. | |
EnteredBy | A | 3 | Initials of user who entered the transaction |
ExchangeRate | N | The exchange rate (0 for base currency transactions) | |
Flag | T | 5 | The flag field. |
Flags | N | See Transaction Flags table below | |
FreightAmount | N | Freight amount of order | |
FreightCode | T | 15 | Freight code used for orders |
FreightDetails | T | 255 | Details of freight for order |
Gross | N | The gross value of the transaction. | |
Hold | B | True if the transaction is on hold | |
LastModifiedTime | S | The date that the transaction was last changed. | |
MailingAddress | T | 255 | Transaction's mailing address. Blank if default from name. |
NameCode | T | 11 | Customer or Supplier Code |
OrderDeposit | N | The accumulated deposit on an order | |
OrderShipped | N | The amount shipped of an order | |
OrderTotal | N | The total of the order | |
OriginatingOrderSeq | N | The sequence number of the order that created the invoice through the ship or receive goods commands | |
OurRef | T | 11 | The reference number of the transaction. For Cash Payments, this is the cheque number. For Cash Receipts it is the receipt number. For Debtor Invoices, it is the invoice number and for Creditor Invoices it is your order number. For Journals, it is the Journal number, prefixed with the type of journal (JN for general journal, JS for stock journal, BK for banking journal). |
PayAmount | N | The amount of the invoice that you have elected to pay a creditor in the next payment run. | |
PaymentMethod | N | The payment method for the transaction (0 = None, 1 = Cash, 2 = Cheque, 3 = Electronic, 4 = Credit Card, 5-7 = user defined) | |
Period | N | A number representing the period of the transaction. This number will be (100 * year_number + period_number), where year_number is a number in the range 0-99, with year 1 being the first year of operation for your MoneyWorks document, and period_number is a number in the range 1-12, with 1 representing the first period of your financial year. | |
PostedBy | A | 3 | Initials of user who posted the transaction |
Printed | N | 0 if not Printed; 1 if Printed | |
ProdPriceCode | T | 1 | Pricing code (A--F) |
PromptPaymentAmt | N | The amount of the eligible prompt payment discount | |
PromptPaymentDate | D | The date the prompt payment discount expires | |
Recurring | B | "True" if the transaction is a recurring transaction. "False" if it isn't. | |
SalesPerson | T | 5 | The salesperson for the transaction. If the transaction involves any products with the "Append Salesperson" attribute set, the value of this field will be appended to that products sales and/or cost of goods account code. |
SecurityLevel | N | The transaction's security level. This is set to the highest security level of the visible detail lines. | |
SequenceNumber | N | The sequence number of the transaction. | |
SpecialAccount | For receipts, the bank account of the cheque | ||
SpecialBank | For receipts, the bank number of the cheque | ||
SpecialBranch | For receipts, the branch of the cheque | ||
Status | T | 1 | This will be either a "U" (for unposted) or "P" (for posted). |
TaggedText | T | 255 | Scriptable tag storage |
TaxAmount | N | The amount of GST involved for the transaction. | |
TaxCycle | N | A number representing the GST cycle in which the transaction was processed for GST. This is 0 for transactions not yet processed for GST. | |
TheirRef | T | 21 | For debtor invoices, the customer's Order No. For creditor invoices, the supplier's invoice number. For receipts, the cheque number |
TimePosted | S | Date and time transaction is posted. | |
ToFrom | T | 200 | For a payment, the To field. For a receipt, the From field. |
TransDate | D | The transaction date. | |
Transferred | N | Non zero if transaction has been sent as eInvoice | |
Type | T | 3 | The transaction type.--see following table. |
User1 | T | 255 | User defined |
User2 | T | 255 | User defined |
User3 | T | 255 | User defined |
User4 | T | 15 | User defined |
User5 | T | 15 | User defined |
User6 | T | 15 | User defined |
User7 | T | 15 | User defined |
User8 | T | 15 | User defined |
UserNum | N | Scriptable number | |
UserText | T | 255 | Scriptable text |
The transaction type codes are:
Code | Description |
CIC | Creditor invoice--fully paid |
CII | Creditor invoice--incomplete |
CP | Cash payment/purchase |
CPC | Cash payment for a creditor invoice |
CPD | Returned refund to debtor |
CR | Cash receipt/sale |
CRC | Receive refund from creditor |
CRD | Receipt for a debtor invoice |
DIC | Debtor invoice--fully paid |
DII | Debtor invoice--incomplete |
JN | General journal |
JNS | Stock journal |
POC | Purchase order (complete) = Bought |
POI | Purchase order (incomplete) |
QU | Quote |
SOC | Sales order (complete) = Sold |
SOI | Sales order (incomplete) |
Transaction Flags
Use TestFlags() to determine flags.
Was Cancelled | 0x00000001 | Is Job Invoice | 0x00002000 |
Is Cancellation | 0x00000002 | Changed After Posting | 0x00004000 |
Was Written Off | 0x00000004 | Prompt Discount Taken | 0x00008000 |
Creditor Reimburse | 0x00000008 | Funds Xfer | 0x00010000 |
Debtor Reimburse | 0x00000010 | Is Discount Credit Note | 0x00020000 |
Printed | 0x00000020 | Is Writeoff Credit Note | 0x00040000 |
Is WriteOff Dummy | 0x00000040 | Is New Style Sales Tax | 0x00080000 |
Is Contra Dummy | 0x00000080 | Has Scan | 0x00100000 |
Journal Type (3 bits) General = 0; Make = 1; Break = 2; WriteOff = 4; Create = 5; Transfer = 6; Revaluation = 7. | 0x00000700 | Has Outstanding Stock Receipts | 0x00200000 |
Not On Statement | 0x00000800 | PPD Terms Locked | 0x00400000 |
Is Banking Journal | 0x00001000 | Is Deposit on Order | 0x00800000 |
Is a recurred transaction (from version 9.1.6) | 0x08000000 | Imported transaction (from version 9.1.6) | 0x01000000 |
Detail Flags
Flags for detail lines are contained in two fields, detail.flags and detail.moreFlags. Use TestFlags() to determine flags.
detail.flags | |||
System line | 0x8000 | Line is a foreign currency | 0x0100 |
Stock Journal Line | 0x4000 | Balancing line for above | 0x0200 |
Banking Journal Bank Line | 0x2000 | Balancing line for contra | 0x0400 |
Banking Journal Holding Line | 0x1000 | Stock is ignored (for jobs) | 0x0800 |
Tax Line | 0x0008 | Tax line added by tax override | 0x0010 |
Product Price is Tax Inclusive | 0x0004 | Is time item | 0x0020 |
Freight Item | 0x0002 | Prompt Payment Discountable | 0x0040 |
Dept in account is salesperson | 0x0001 | ||
detail.moreFlags | |||
Requires serial number | 0x0001 | Batch expires | 0x0004 |
Requires batch number | 0x0002 |