

Internal Name Job.

BilledNThe amount billed to date for the job.
Category1T15Any value. This can be used for analysis purposes.
Category2T15Any value. This can be used for analysis purposes.
Category3T15Any value. This can be used for analysis purposes.
Category4T15Any value. This can be used for analysis purposes.
ClientT11The code of the client for whom the job is being done. Must be a debtor.
CodeT9The job code.
ColourNThe colour, represented internally as a numeric index in the range 0-7 but rendered as a textual colour name
CommentT1020Comments on the job
ContactT63The contact for the job
Custom1T255For your own use
Custom2T255For your own use
Custom3T15For your own use
Custom4T15For your own use
Custom5T15For your own use
Custom6T15For your own use
Custom7T15For your own use
Custom8T15For your own use
DescriptionT255The job name.
EndDateDThe expected end date
LastModifiedTimeSThe date that this job record was last changed. Transactions related to the job do not change the modification date of the job record
ManagerT3The manager for the job
MarkupNThe percent markup applied to items used on the job.
OrderNumT31The client's order number for the job
PercentCompleteNPercent that the job is complete
PhoneT19The contact's phone number
ProjectT9Job code of project to which this belongs
QuoteNThe amount quoted for the job.
StartDateDThe start date of the job
StatusA2The status of the job. "QU" for quoted, "OP" for active, "CO" for complete
TaggedTextT255Scriptable tag storage
TargetDateDTarget date for job
UserNumNUser defined
UserTextT255User defined