
Changing Documents

Unless the Multiple Instance MoneyWorks Preference is on, you will only be able to have one MoneyWorks document open at a time. If you are working on one document and wish to start using another, you need to first close your current document and then open the new one.

To close the current document:

  1. Choose File>Close «Document Name»

The document will closed and the MoneyWorks welcome screen will be displayed. Any changes made to the document are automatically saved when the document is closed.

To open the new document:

  1. Choose File>Open or click the Open button on the Navigator

The standard File Open dialog box will be displayed. You will need to locate your file in this and open it in the normal manner.

To open a recently used document:

  1. Choose File>Open Recent>«DocumentName»

or: Right Click on the Welcome screen and choose the document