
GetListName (listRef)

Result Type:  string

Definition:  Gets the name of the tab that the list lives under. Works in the transaction entry window to allow you to detrmine whihc tab is selected.

See Also:

AddListLine: Add a row to an editable list

DeleteListLine: Delete a row from an editable list

EnterCell: A cell in an editable list has just gained focus

ExchangeListRows: Swap rows in an editable list

ExitedCell: A cell in an editable list has just lost focus

GetActiveListColumn: Get the column number of an edit list that has keyboard focus

GetActiveListRow: Get the row number of an edit list that has keyboard focus

GetListField: Get the text of an editable list field

GetListHandle: Get list handle from window handle and list ident

GetListLineCount: Get number of rows in a list

MergeOrderLines: Merge order lines (opposite of SplitOrderLines)

SetListField: Set the text of an editable list field

SortListByColumn: Sort an editable list by a column

SplitOrderLine: Duplicate a line item on an order, splitting the order qty (for serial entry)

ValidateCell: Control whether the content of a cell is acceptable and the cell can be exited